API Documentation

Getting Started

All API requests require authentication using an API key. You can find your API key in the dashboard.

Header: "x-api-key: your-api-key"

Single Verification

Verify a single email address or domain for validity, disposable status, privacy services, and deliverability.


GET /v1/verify


inputstringYesEmail address or domain to verify (e.g., [email protected] or example.com)

Response Fields

validIndicates if the email format is correct
blockIndicates if the email should be blocked (true if disposable, privacy, applePrivateEmail, deliverable or catch_all is true)
disposableDetermines if the email address is a temporary or disposable email address
privacyDetermines if the mail server is utilizing an email alias or forwarder
applePrivateEmailIndicates if the email is an Apple Private email address
deliverableChecks if the mailbox exists and can receive emails
domainThe domain part of the email address
email_addressThe email address
catch_allIndicates if the domain has a catch-all email configuration that accepts all incoming emails regardless of the recipient address
mx_foundIndicates if the domain has valid mail servers (MX records)
remaining_creditsThe number of API credits remaining in your account

Example Response

  "valid": true,
  "block": false,
  "disposable": false,
  "privacy": false,
  "applePrivateEmail": false,
  "deliverable": true,
  "domain": "example.com",
  "email_address": "[email protected]",
  "catch_all": false,
  "mx_found": true,
  "error": null,
  "remaining_credits": 99

Code Examples

curl "https://api.verify-email.app/v1/[email protected]" \
  -H "X-API-Key: your-api-key"

Try it out

You need an API key to test the endpoints.

Batch Verification

Verify multiple email addresses or domains in a single request (max 100 items).


POST /v1/verify/batch


inputsarray of stringsYesArray of email addresses or domains to verify

Code Examples

curl -X POST "https://api.verify-email.app/v1/verify/batch" \
  -H "Content-Type: application/json" \
  -H "X-API-Key: your-api-key" \
  -d '{
    "inputs": [
      "[email protected]",
      "[email protected]"

Try it out

You need an API key to test the endpoints.

Try with different domains: