Email address validation API

Save money on email campaigns by sending only to valid email addresses


Lower sending costs


Better deliverability


Real-time validation


Reduction in bounce rates

Try it Free

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The real cost of invalid emails

Every invalid email address in your list is silently damaging your business

Lost Revenue

Emails sent to non-deliverable addresses mean missed sales opportunities and wasted marketing spend

Damaged Sender Reputation

High bounce rates lead to email providers marking your messages as spam

Wasted Resources

Paid for emails that never reach real customers

Impact on Your Business


Average email list decay per year without validation


Of emails never reach inbox due to poor sender reputation


Average cost per bounced email including lost opportunity

Protect your email campaigns

Our email validation API ensures your messages reach real customers

Instant Validation

Check email address validity in real-time before adding to your list

Reduce Costs

Stop losing money on invalid emails

Boost ROI

Improve deliverability and campaign performance

Trusted by smart marketers

Join companies that successfully protect their email campaigns

Results you can expect


Lower email marketing costs


Better deliverability


Reduction bounce rates

What you get

  • Real-time email validation API
  • Comprehensive validation checks
  • Easy REST API integration
  • Detailed validation results

How email validator API works


Send Request

Submit an email address for verification through our API


Instant Analysis

Our service determines if it's an invalid email


Take Action

Receive instant results and make informed decisions

Frequently asked questions

An invalid email address is one that cannot receive emails due to various reasons: it may have syntax errors, the domain might not exist, the mailbox might be full or deactivated, or it could be a disposable/temporary email address designed for one-time use.

Invalid emails can severely impact your email campaigns in multiple ways: they increase bounce rates, damage your sender reputation, waste marketing budget, risk getting your domain blacklisted, and lower your email deliverability rates. This can lead to legitimate emails not reaching your customers inboxes.

Email validation is the process of verifying whether an email address is valid, deliverable, and safe to send emails to. It helps prevent bounces, protect sender reputation, and maintain a clean email list.

Our API performs multiple checks including syntax validation, domain verification, mailbox existence check, and disposable email detection. It returns detailed results about the emai's validity and potential risks.

Validating emails helps reduce bounce rates, protect sender reputation, improve deliverability, and save costs on email campaigns by ensuring you only send to valid addresses.

Yes, our REST API is designed to be simple to integrate. We provide clear documentation, code examples in multiple programming languages, and dedicated support to help you get started quickly.

Yes, we offer a free trial with 50 validation credits. No credit card is required to start, and you can upgrade to a paid plan at any time.

Yes, you can cancel or change your plan at any time. However, your plan will remain active until the end of the current billing cycle.

Stop losing money on invalid email addresses

Start validating emails today with our easy-to-integrate API